5 of us went to Bill Hybels' leadership seminar and MAN!! THAT ROCKED!!! That T.D. preacher dude is so kewl! What he said about "no more empty seats" is carved soooo deeply in my brain and heart! He said, "God must have someone in mind to sit on those empty seats". So ask God who do you need to ask to come to church this week. And ROCKERS, we need new building to accommodate the growing number of our members, and also we want to be able to have closer relationship with our mother church ICC. Let's pray and work hard to achieve that goal and to reap the harvest that God has provide for ICC and THE ROCKS!! ROCK ON GUYS!!
Hey Martin...don't u's reaping time? Either way... it's always exciting and challenging to be working for JC...the coolest dude on earth (..and heaven) yeah..bring it on! Hope it's not just the 5 of us who are excited..hehehehe
Daniel Indradjaja, at 5:46 pm
nice one xen :)
anyway.. kmaren gw di china kayanya ngeliat karina dd loe deh... bener ga dia pegi ke china?
Lara Potter, at 1:38 pm
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