Thursday, September 06, 2007

Another year.. another journey...

OK... another year has passed. Didn't realised that I'm another year older.. already?? Man... i grow older quicker than I thought. I guess it's part of life.

Gabriel and I were praying on my birthday night (just last night actually) and he asked me, what do you want this year, sayang? If God, your Father in heaven, asks you right now, what do you want for your birthday, what will you ask from Him?

It surprised me that I can't find a simple answer. I mean, naturally just like many people, I want a lot of things. There's got to be at least ONE thing I wanted so bad... right???

Dunno... I just couldn't answer straight away. I thought.. and thought... and all I can think of are the many blessings that I have received. Trust me, we are blessed, but doesn't mean it was a smooth sail either... Where I am now in life, has truly been an amazing journey I went through with God. Ups and downs are always there to be experienced. But His grace is abundant in our lives and although we don't always see the green pastures ahead, but we know and believe it's there and there's where the Lord is leading us because He is our Shepperd.

Every day His words encourages us and keeps us strong. We don't always get an answer to our prayers straight away but we know He is always listening and watching and His timing is always perfect! We truly believe that. Share markets goes up and down, people we helped turned to stab us in the back, we ended up disappointing people we love, we too get disappointed by people we trust, trying to show God's love through our lives is not as painless as we thought. But His love endures and His mercy overflows in our lives.

So what do I want for this year? I know one thing for sure... I want this to be the year where I grow to love Him more and more and to love what He loves... through His wisdom, His courage, His grace, His strength, His promises and His plans for my life. I'm limited, but He is an unlimited God. I want to dream big for His glory, not to boast, but so that people will see that I worship the One true God... my Jehovah Jireh, God my provider, and that is my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. This year... will be another great year.. another great journey...


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