Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Me and my two sis..

Me and my two sis
This is me and my sis!!
I love them to bits!! ^-^ I'm so blessed to have them in my life.. I'm lucky that as we grow older, we are growing closer to each other. Mady (the right hand side) came here about 6 almost 7 yrs ago.. I thought I will have extra responsibility taking care of her... but thanked God.. she grows up to be a beautiful woman of God.. who loves to cook!! Yeeeyy!!! Man.. i hate cooking..!! I'm so blessed to have her in my life.. hehehe.. not because she can cook better, can clean up better.. (although a bit of a control freak...) but cos she's always there everytime I needed someone to talk to.. I have someone to share her clothes with.. err. i meant.. MY clothes..hehehe.. I could never ask for anyone else but them two.. Mady and Carrina..^-^

Trial and temptation

Have u ever found yourself in your laziestestest times?? that was how i felt while I was sick recently... it was only a flu.. but man!!! how i hate being sick. Cos for me.. once i'm relaxed and not doing anything for a long (I consider these few days.. long!) period of time... i'll get really lazy...I'm the kinda person who better do whatever it is i needed to get things done at the time i want to do it... otherwise.. it'll take my whole will power to get myself going!! These few days, when i can only lay in bed or on the couch for that matter... my laziness starts to creep on me.. and now that I'm healty again... man... its soooo hard to focus on my work! What i want to do is just watch TV or play with my darling Buddy, or... just to do fun stuff..!! Anyways.. then the Lord reminded me of part of a simple verse... "Learn from the ants".. I didn't know which book in the bible.. but thanks to Bible Gateway .. I can tell you!! ^-^ Its from Proverbs 30. And little by little I have the dilligence of the ants... well...almost.. hihihi..

My baby...^-^ Posted by Hello

Cintaku..hihihi.. Posted by Hello

To Have One, Be One

A man who has friends must himself be friendly. —Proverbs 18:24

All of us need at least one or two close friends. A small boy defined a friend as "someone who knows all about you and likes you just the same." Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "A friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of nature." Henry Durbanville made this observation about friendship: "A friend is the first person to come in when the whole world goes out."
Solomon wrote in Proverbs 17:17, "A friend loves at all times." We can't improve on that definition. To have someone who remains true to us under all circumstances is one of life's choicest blessings. The support and encouragement that only an intimate friend can offer is sorely needed when the burdens of life weigh heavily upon us. Jesus, of course, is the ultimate friend, for He laid down His life for His friends (John 15:13).
Proverbs 18:24 makes an important point and takes us beyond a description of what it means to be a friend. It says that "a man who has friends must himself be friendly." The implication is clear: Friendliness must begin with us. We must take the initiative in developing relationships with others. Let us be to others what we desire for ourselves. When it comes to friends, to have one you must be one! —RWD

I went outside to find a friend but could not find one there;

I went outside to be a friend,

And friends were everywhere! —Anon.

Friends are seldom found; they are made. —Wentworth